Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lesson from a loss

As I sat and watched the memorial for Michael Jackson - I felt a hole in my heart and yet joy in my soul. I saw who was speaking....I heard what they were saying....and I felt their words touch me deeply. I never knew this man personally and yet I felt a loss, a true

I never realized how much I really am linked to Michael.
As he grew up - I grew up.
As he sang - I sang along with him.
As he wrote the words to his many songs ...I internalized many of those messages.
And as he danced - I stood by and watched as we all have done all these years...... in amazement.

Michael reminded us that we should all ask ourselves.... "Have you seen my childhood?" remembering to capture the joy and innocence of our early years.

Let's celebrate Michael's life in a small way by liberating our own inner child.

I think among the many lessons from today is for all of us to really :
"LOOK" at the MAN IN THE MIRROR.......
See how he can , in some way help to HEAL THE WORLD -...
and remember that, together, we can overcome almost anything if we just set our minds to BEAT IT.