Thursday, January 14, 2010


Why Barefoot Training is the healthiest thing you can do, not only for your feet, but for your body overall
By Linda Shelton

Some of us early exercisers remember, back in the day, when fitness shoe technology wasn't even a glimmer in anyone's fertile mind, we exercised barefoot............... running, dancing, high-impact aerobics, water aerobics. Our feet in those days trained us well; when we moved in a way that challenged our stability or ability, sensory receptors on the soles of our feet sent the body messages-some subtle, some painful, that we were moving in a way that would hurt us or cause injury. If we were aware and listened to our bodies, we'd alter the movement. Your feet are your greatest trainer; they are the "sensory antenna" to the rest of your entire body-your muscles, connective tissue, organs and your brain. In fact, your feet contain the largest number of propioreceptors, second only to your spine. Think of your feet as an "I-chat messenger," giving you constant, in the moment, real-time live feedback as to your position in space, your movement quality, reaction, balance and more. These billions of micro receptors are "turned on" 24/7 when you're standing on your feet.

So why did we cease to 'bare all'? Shoe technology seemed like good idea and in truth it is, considering the shoes we used to exercise in before we got so savvy about specific training. The issue isn't that shoes are bad; the concern is that we NEVER TAKE THEM OFF...EVER! Techno shoes today clearly drive both fitness and fashion. There are shoes that are exclusively designed for every activity and every sport. Hundreds of hours are spent in foot labs, watching people move to determine the best cushioning, support and alignment so that you can individualize your needs, based on your high arches, flat feet and dancer's toes. All good and we support these phenomenal efforts. By the same token, give some thought to kicking off your shoes-athletic or otherwise, and exercising bare naked as in BARE FEET! With so much cushion and support from a shoe, your feet actually become 'numb' to all sensory input and doesn't allow you to naturally ground and feel the surface. It's like giving your feet a shot of Novocain because you feel nothing! In other words, you're losing your own ability to react and respond to sensory input that impacts how your body innately moves. When the bare foot strikes the ground, sensory feedback from the sole activates a series of muscle contractions that in a well-trained foot disperses pressure to a wider area, inducing adaptations, dissipating shock, and functionally avoiding injuries. In shoes, you can't possibly get this input because of the limited sensory feedback to the central nervous system. In addition, wearing shoes full time, for all the positive benefits, can restrict natural foot movement, causing muscles to become weak and lax, joints to become stiff and immobile.

Beaming™ brings "barefoot" back to the forefront of training
To be clear, we're not saying don't ever wear shoes. What we are saying is that at some point, every day, you need to be sans shoes and meet your feet and hopefully this is an exhilarating and "Sens...ual" experience.
Here's why:
Barefoot is tactile, bringing sensory sensation through sole of the foot so that your body can respond. This feedback system helps us balance, re-balance, improve awareness and accurate foot positioning as well as stimulate and activate the muscles of the feet and ankles.
Barefoot is freeing, so the toes can fully extend, flex, and grip the way they should.
Barefoot enhances the stability and mobility of all of your joints, from the feet up so that you begin to use those very fine intrinsic muscles again that can become lax and atrophied from constant shoe entrapment.
Barefoot and balance training combined provide the ability to improve the body's natural response system to reacting more quickly to a negative situation.
Barefoot can lead to better overall health. According Chinese philosophy, life-force energy called Chi can be absorbed through the soles of the feet, increasing circulation, energy, vitality, ability to think more clearly and function at a higher level.
Barefoot may deter aging. Your feet are your own natural fountain of youth. When you exercise barefoot, especially on uneven surfaces, vital organ acupressure points on the foot's sole are stimulated along with receptors of the inner ear that control balance, which declines with age. Research concluded that barefoot training can lead to significant physical and mental health benefits including improved balance, mobility and overall body circulation, lowered blood pressure, correct imbalances and misalignment in the foot structure, all which can delay and even prevent the effects of aging.

Recognizing all of the barefoot benefits, Beaming™ IS performed barefoot. Therefore sensations felt through your feet are amplified even more while balancing on the unstable, resilient surface of the Beam. This initiates more footwork, developing a healthier foot, a heightened sensory awareness and proprioceptive response, bringing mindful consciousness to your body position and movement on the Beam, which transfers to overall better movement off the Beam.
So get brave, get smart and GO BARE will love the feeling and even more, your feet and your body will love the abundant results.