Saturday, October 3, 2009

When Smoke gets in YOUR eyes

Anxiety, Hyperactivity, uncertainty and self doubt can lead to emotional imbalance, stress and tension and this can lead to distraction which in turn can throw you off course.When we allow these distractions to take root it as if a cloud of smoke begins to appear on the horizon….and before we know it we are enveloped in it…….coughing and choking – suffering from smoke inhalation. We become blinded and lose our way……. when this smoke gets in your eyes. This very state leads us right back to the root – the anxiety, stress, tension and thus disrupts our natural flow of positive energy.

So how do we get back on track…..regain mental clarity and focus?
Mental clarity can be achieved and maintained only when we are balanced and calm. This simply means we need to create an equilibrium in our lives. When we are agitated, and imbalanced it gives rise to an agitated, imbalanced mind. When we are calm and have balanced our energy we can obtain mental clarity. One great way to regain Mental Clarity is to get on a Beamfit™ Beam! Even if you don’t have time for a full workout on you can still greatly benefit by just standing on the Beam in split stance, refocusing your attention for as little as 5 minutes
This simple exercise is great when you need to center, re-group and change your perspective on those frazzled, stressful days.

Visit to get your Beam today.