Saturday, November 7, 2009

How do YOU Balance your life?

Balance is often taken for granted; that is until you're forced to put it to the test. I know many of you reading this have said at one time or another “I have horrible balance." I’ll bet you have found yourself wobbling around when you put on your shoes standing up.
Balance, like many of our body's “taken for granted commodities”, deteriorates with age. But beware; age is not the only reason why balance diminishes. Injuries to the lower extremities are another common culprit. A sprained ankle, a wrenched knee , broken toe or injured hip all cause a break in communication between the joint and the brain, altering proprioception - or the body's ability to know where it is in space.

The science behind how the body balances itself is complicated, but simply stated: when sensory data delivered to your brain from vision, the inner ear or your sensory receptors is in some way disrupted, your sense of awareness in space and your balance is disrupted. But the solution to improving this situation is simple – You can easily improve your balance while Beaming™ on the Beamfit™ Beam.

Research studies provide data indicating improvements among those who participate in balance training programs are realized within the first training experience. As for you athletes, incorporating balance exercises (both static and dynamic) into our regular workout is worth the extra time and effort

Why does it even matter?

Well, balance training:

Repairs damaged pathways to the brain assisting in training the right and left hemispheres of your brain to communicate with each other more efficiently,

Strengthens weakened stabilizing muscles throughout your body ( especially in your ankles and feet)

Teaches the body new strategies for keeping itself upright reducing the risk of falling or tripping as you walk through your life.

What's more? Jumping over puddles, standing on a ladder to change light bulbs, snowboarding, and riding on the shuttle at the airport (standing up) all require balance, so a little improvement just makes your life easier.

So if you’re looking to improve your balance and improve your life visit to get your beam and a DVD and start Beaming™ today!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

November Mantra

Believe in yourself
It’s funny how we all seem to believe in something or someone. We believe in God. We believe in the universe. We believe there is good in all people. We believe in the right to bear arms – and the list goes on. It’s interesting how, often times we don’t put ourselves on this list, and if we do, we don’t list ourselves first! Belief in yourself – your abilities and your capabilities is the first step in changing your life forever. Belief in yourself increases your confidence level, increases your desire to get out there and live your best life and shows the world just what you are capable of.
Express to the Universe what it is you desire in life
Why keep secret thoughts? Why hide your desires? Why hope and wait? Make a poster board with pictures – a scrap book. Create a hope chest, write a poem, create a doable list and set goals, take action in some way – join a dating service – a gym, cut something out of your diet or add a new healthy habit. By openly acting on something, or expressing it to the Universe, YOU can begin to realize, in a concrete way, your desires. Remember, a thought expressed by a word becomes an action and an action becomes the reality of your experience in the world.

Achieve your dreams by waking up and living them
Most of us have ideas, hopes and dreams. We make lists. We make plans. We have good intentions. And in the end, most of us wake up and can’t remember the dream…let alone execute it. With all we have to do, our busy schedules and complex lives keep us living in the here and now, just muddling through the day to day list of things that must get done. As we begin this winter season, filled with all the wonderment of the holidays and the promise of the New Year, promise yourself that you will put your dream into action.

Make every action deliberate
Don’t waste time on things, people and places that don’t serve to further your quest, your dream. Bring ideas, people and experiences into your life that represent what you want and can help you get there. We all have that moment when we think “Why do I have to go to dinner with “so and so” - or why do I have to go to “that” party with “those” people who I really don’t have much in common with. Well, the answer is – YOU DON’T HAVE TO! Take charge of your life; make decisions that serve to better your experience in the world. By doing this you will continue to evolve to be a better you, a happier you. And “ that” YOU will be a better asset to the world and the people around you, not to mention a truer representation of you- who you are actually suppose to be evolving into on your life path.