Thursday, September 17, 2009

Walking consciously through your day will keep your conscience clear and your life’s purpose on track.

As you awaken each morning, stretching, yawning…. and as your senses are rebooting - take a moment during this time of re-entry into your waking hours and prompt yourself to keep your mind and heart open. Be curious, learn…look for the lessons of the day ahead and apply them for your tomorrows. And then, as you return to bed each night, take stock, review your day …how open were you that day? What did you learn? How did that help you?

During these reflective moments, you may notice that you learned much, or, perhaps never once thought about the plan you set forth that morning. Either way, the day happened, you experienced it, you saw things, smelled them, tasted them and touched them. Whatever your day was like, you grew from the experience of it and added those experiences to the tapestry that is YOUR life. Use all of this to get to know yourself better.

You'll see that there are many events in the day that may change the way you view yourself, the way you view your world and these happenings can only come from opening your heart and mind to all the possibilities that are put before you.
Walking consciously through your day will keep your conscience clear and your life’s purpose on track.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Run, Walk, Train, Cab, Bus, Car.........rush rush rush - YES I am in NYC. Meetings, traininings, dinners, Busy ,busy........ BEAMING has me really on the move.

All is well now I sleep to do it all over again

Let's stop searching and just go home!!

Let’s stop searching and just go home!

As we look at the things in our lives that we place importance on we should seek to understand why. To analyze the reasons why things appear on our list of importance in the order of priority is an important question as we begin to understand more about ourselves and how we relate to the world around us.

Many things in our lives become important for many reason. To some it matters what other people think. To many the level of education of OTHERS around us seems to be of some importance. Socioeconomic status, what we do for a living, where we are living and what we are driving all find their way somewhere on the list of things that we are concerned about.

Notice how our lists are filled with material things or perceptions of things outside of ourselves. So, why are these things important? This is a question I leave up to each one of you to ask of yourselves …about your own personal lists.

At any rate, none of those things I mentioned will lead any closer to the one thing that really should appear first on the list…finding the supreme essence of who we are as spiritual beings . This reaches far beyond the physical existence of the ego, of our need to serve it and nourish it.

People are searching for peace and harmony in their lives. That search is causing them to look ahead, forward, outside of their inner self; the search is driving them further and further away from themselves. And the more they search, the more they look outside ,the further they get from finding it. We need to learn who we are on the deepest level. Accept that person. Love that person. Nurture that person. Grow that person. Believe in that person. Express the desires of that person. Let that person shine and Beam for that person is YOU!

The challenge is to give that person a chance to speak out, to wave a flag and show you that they’re right there with you, in you…screaming out to you to STOP looking ……and realize that leaving “your house” to find “a home” will never work…….and if you continue on that path you will never truly find your home.

My hope is for each and every one of us to be able to look in a mirror one day and simply say “It’s good to finally be home”. And when you do please call me up and invite me over. I will do the same

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Day in Flight!

I travel often for work and can’t help but notice things as I do.

Today I flew from Palm Springs to Dallas and then Dallas to NYC. It amazes me how people act in public. It makes me wonder how they act in the privacy of their own homes. If you pick your nose in the airport in broad day light while waiting in the boarding area what do you do at home? And what about all of these people walking around texting while pulling a suitcase, not paying attention where they are going, how slow they are walking or how rude it is. I can’t help but wonder…..Are people getting to the point where they just don’t care about ANYTHING but themselves? Like, there is no reason to be polite, courteous or have any sense of social decency.

Just the other day we had a member of Congress blurt out at the President of the United States, a professional Tennis champion go off on a referee and a music artist interrupt the acceptance speech of one of his peers.

Do we have a social consciousness anymore? Do we even care if we do? Do we pay attention? And what are the messages being sent ….”Do what you want, break a law, speak out of turn…..and then just apologize or pay a fine and all is ok again. If this is the direction the world is going I am truly mortified!

I can’t control any of it. So I have to let it go. But I can use it to my advantage to remind myself not to behave in this manner. I can blog about it and hope the some of you reading will think about it.

There may be a day where even I may open my mouth in an inappropriate manner and have to apologize about it, but I do know this – you will NEVER see me picking my nose in an airport!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


I am packing the last few things I need for my trip tomorrow . I will be off to NYC for perhaps one of the most important weeks of my life.

As I was folding clothes and checking the list, I had to just stop for a moment to reflect on how blessed I am in life. I am humbled by the power of the Universe and all it has shown me and shared with me. I am grateful for all the people it has brought in and out of my life all these years and for the lessons they have taught me. I am grateful to have the opportunity to share what I have to offer with others and give back to the Universe for all it has given me.

It is with this spirit that I now go to sleep, resting my eyes, my mind, my heart hoping to continue to dream big dreams and believing that those dreams can become the reality I will live tomorrow.

I ask all of you to do the same the next time you lay down for your rejuvenation period we call "sleep."

Dream Big. Think Big. Do Big.

The Universe is a BIG place. It has a Big space for each one of us to fill. I hope to do my best to fill that space with something meaningful, purposeful.....something that will perhaps in some small way shift it. If we all do this we can collectively participate in that shift....and bring forth the best in each other thus bringing to future generations a better world.

Good night

What's wrong with a little......."FOREPLAY?"

Often times we look at or listen to something or someone and form an opinion or have a reaction based on “presumptive foreplay.” We tell ourselves stories about what they are doing or saying. Sometimes we take it personally. Sometimes we judge. Sometimes we blame. Sometimes we are surprised to learn we're dead wrong, and sometimes we are spot on. In any case this practice is a dangerous one. It limits us. It closes off our minds and our experiences in life.

The act of “presumptive foreplay” creates a situation that sets us up to only see and hear what we want to see and hear , preventing us from growing and learning. More often than not it blocks us on many levels – from seeing the truth to experiencing a new wonderment of living. It is the act of living in a world where we are experiencing things as we dream them up …where our reality can become one that is based upon our imagination. We begin to believe things we have conjured up during this “presumptive foreplay” session, and then defend them, trying to prove them, just to make ourselves right and others wrong.

Participating in “presumptive foreplay”, when dealing with our friends and significant others, is a great way to ask for trouble and bring on problems. It can lead us down a path where we assume that our partners or friends know what we think and that we don't have to tell them what we want. We assume they are going to do what we want, because they know us so well. If they don't do what we assume they should do, we feel hurt and say, "You should have known."

A simple technique to avoid the ramifications of “presumptive foreplay” is this…… JUST LIVE!

You see, life is about “living” and living is about experiencing, and experiencing is about being open to new things, unexpected surprises, discovery, and unpredictability. So the next time you find yourself slipping into the state of “presumptive foreplay”, STOP - and start asking questions, communicate. Have the courage to explore and clarify things. You will find the truth and the truth is the path that will lead you to a harmonious, balanced existence filled with joy and peace.