Tuesday, February 16, 2010

HMMM "JUST DO IT"...WHY "JUST DO IT"....when you can DO IT BETTER?

I think our society has become too focused on getting “THERE” whether “THERE” means a number on a scale, a position in society or getting a job. This obsession with the “THERE” has lead us astray from paying attention to the “HOW TO GET THERE”…..and this has led too many astray…focusing on just “DOING IT.”

We see it in sports with DOPING. We see it in business…just ask Bernie Madoff. There are too many examples of the “JUST DO IT “message gone astray.

So I say don’t “JUST DO IT” Do it with integrity, with style, with purpose and with humility. Do it BETTER than “YOU” did it before and forget about competing with others. Complete YORSELF……don’t compete with others!

Go out today and improve on YOUR “time” YOUR “jump” YOUR ‘throw” just for YOURSELF….……because in the end if you improve on YOUR game you are improving YOURSELF and YOUR LIFE…..and THAT , in the end is all that really matters even if the gold medal isn’t hung around your neck

Monday, February 15, 2010

YOU....hold the POWER!

When the walls feel like they are closing in on you -
LOOK up and you won’t notice.
When the water is rising and you are fearful of drowning -
SWIM harder and be stronger.
When it’s dark and you are alone and scared -
SEEK your inner light for strength and security.
And when all else seems hopeless -
in yourself,
in your power,
in your talent,
in your ability
and in your wisdom to get through no matter what …
in the end you hold your life in your own hands and that is the best way to insure a positive outcome.