Being in the moment is only ½ of it
... celebrating it completes the experience.
Ya know, we have heard it over and over and over, be in the moment, live each moment as if it was your last. But how many of us know how to do it, what it means? We are so busy on our cell phones, blackberry’s, texting and messaging away. We miss ½ the moments in the day due to not being open enough to receive them and experience them. You are already “in the moment” your alive and your there, but how many of us can NOTICE the moment enough to celebrate its uniqueness and cherish its existence before its passing? So I ask you to put down all of your electronic devises and open up the devises that you have been blessed with your eyes, your ears you nose. By doing this you can appreciate and celebrate each moment to its fullest and THAT will show you they way to a more celebrated life.
Evolve today, from where you were yesterday.
If we learn through life we can GROW through it instead of just GOING through it. And the act of learning comes from taking past experiences and applying the lessons they have taught us to the next chapters of our lives. In this way we can evolve as human beings, and hopefully improve and in our own small corner of the world make some improvement. As you wake each day this month, take a moment to reflect on the day that has just past and see if you can GROW and EVELOVE from who you were yesterday. You have 360 days this year ahead of you – think of the potential!
Articulate not just your words but your entire existence.
We spend time making lists, talking about what we would like to do, like to be. We dream and we wish. But more often than not the buck stops there and much of that positive intent melts away. Just think back on your life for a moment. How many things have you wanted to try? How many have never been realized? Look at realistic ways in which you can connect your words with actual experiences in your life. Want to write a book? Start writing short stories – LIVE as a writer. Looking to be a better chef? Get the cook book out and make a new exotic dish once a week – you will add 52 dishes to your repertoire and LIVE as a chef, shopping for ingredients and spending time focusing on the preparation of fabulous food. Exist through living your dreams.
Mentor those around you. You have something to say.
We often believe that our work is our defining statement. How much money we made, how many we sold. But what really matters over the course of our lives? What impact do we have that really matters in the world? What do we leave behind when we’re gone? I believe it is the messages we have left in the hearts and minds of all those we have inspired, mentored throughout lifetime. Not just our own family, our coworkers or friends, but those we meet along the way on a plane, in line at a Starbucks or in a waiting room at the dentist office. We are all walking mentors, some or more conscious than others. YOU become more conscious of it this year. How can you leave a positive thought or feeling on every person you come into contact with? It starts there. A simple smile, kind word or thoughtful deed reveals a style of living to be mentored. Be a mentor to the world and together we can motivate positive change.