Regardless of religious affiliation, or lack thereof, most of us agree that people have a “spirit” and that the “spirit” is the source of all consciousness, and the source of awareness that lights up the mind. It is the part of us that is open, free, and innocent - seeking new experiences and shining with pure joy. When we live through our spirit, we are BALANCED and in harmony with ourselves and the world around us. But as soon as we enter the world in the physical form, social conditions that surround us begin to chip away at “spirit”, creating self doubt, a need to “conform” and it is this that drives us further from our true “spirit’s” desire to express itself and strive.
These conditions begin to empower the EGO and as the EGO takes hold we lose a portion of our pure “spirit”…….”spirit” that wishes to express and be free without constraint. This overtaking of the “spirit” by EGO leads to the “spirit’s” loss, in part, of its conscious leadership of our experiences in life. The EGO asks for its own gratification both physically as well as emotionally. When this happens we experience racing thoughts that clutter our minds……..constantly filling our hearts and minds with questions, doubts and fears. All of that chatter suppresses our true “spirit” and we drift further away from our hearts desires.
Like a snowflake falling gently to the ground, the “spirit” is blown in many directions by the EGO and it slowly melts along the way. The act of being tossed and turned while simultaneously melting leaves us far from that first day of life….when the “spirit” was pure and in charge.
When we are born, it is said, we have a clean slate…..a fresh perspective….we are an open book. But our”spirit” although strong and stable, can be delicate and vulnerable in the shadow of the EGO and like a window (after all it is the window into our souls) it can become streaked……streaked with greed, lust, conflicting emotions and thoughts.
So the question becomes…..How do we move away from EGO, back to “spirit” and live a life filled with pure joy and BALANCE?
How do we “wash the window?”
This is an introspective journey that takes time and is done with calculated thought and effort. We must seek ways to clear away emotional obstruction, attitudes and preconceived notions. We must learn how to return to “spirit.” We can meditate, focusing on the “letting go” rather than the “holding on to” ingrained thoughts and ideas. We can dig deep inside of ourselves and feel rather than think about what it is we want in life and how we can achieve it. We can begin to listen to the inner voice that is guiding us, our “spirit” voice, and disregard the rebuttal voice, the EGO voice, that sabotages us and fosters self-doubt
Take a moment each day to focus on one small thing you would like to change about the way you experience your life – a moment to identify one thing you would REALLY like to do, regardless of what the EGO is telling you or the fear it may create. It can be as small as wearing a shoe with an outfit….because your “spirit” sees it as the right choice, suppressing the EGO’s voice that would normally drive you to change it 3 or 4 times. Or, it could be as huge as removing someone from your friendship circle because they really are no good for you….perhaps they enable your alcoholism, perhaps they continue to feed your EGO and assist in the suppression of your “spirit”
You will find, throughout this process you will become more self-aware. You will experience more joy in your life. You will become more empowered, more certain of yourself…. your true self. You will begin to live in harmony with your “spirit” and by doing so you will radiate, BEAM with positive energy. And all of this will lead to living a life that is becoming more BALANCED and this will lead you to a heightened sense of peace as you walk through the rest of your life.
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