Saturday, February 12, 2011

How is YOUR New Years Resolution going??

Hundreds of studies suggest most people abandon their New Year's resolutions by February. Some studies say at least 50% of people hold out until March with their resolutions, but then give them up just as spring arrives.

Why you ask?

- Not having a clear plan for success

- Aiming too high – unrealistic multiple drastic changes IE: quitting smoking AND starting an exercise regime AND joining a diet group AND getting a divorce all at once!

- Not having a support system

- Not having a home or work environment that supports the desired ie: living with a smoker while trying to stop.

We all know how we feel when we succeed at something, when we experience early success with our goals, or when we see our efforts paying off.

It makes us want to do more.

It gives us encouragement that we really can do it.

It feels pretty good, doesn't it?

Well, more importantly, it gives us a “model” for our success. If we succeeded once, all we have to do is to do that exact same thing, over and over until that new, desirable behavior actually becomes our new habit.

Given all of this reminds me, to remind you, about choosing an EVOLUTION rather than a RESOLUTION when you want to make life improving choices. . In this way we can see micro-successes all along the way to build upon.

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