Tuesday, August 30, 2011

China Trip August 2011

China Trip Log

Wednesday - August 17, 2011

As the alarm rang gently at 4:30am here in Palm Springs this morning, the sun is just setting in Shanghai at 7:30pm….and in fact, 24 hours from NOW I should be arriving Hangzhou – my first city of the trip.

ü Flying from Palm Springs to LA happens as fast as one blinks.

ü Sitting in LA for 4 ½ hours just plain stinks.

ü And sitting on an airplane from LAX to Shanghai for 14hours gives one much time to ponder, asses and think.

The flights were fine and FULL. Samantha (a friend in CHINA) and a driver picked me up, whisked me off to eat and then on to the train station to catch the BULLET train (375 Kilometers an hour). Upon arrival in Hangzhou David Valez and his Wai Han met me. So many PEOPLE, PEOPLE, PEOPLE crowding, pushing and shoving to get to the taxi line and then to get the taxi. And finally to the hotel 24 hours after I left my home in Palm Springs. The room is “nice” – no alarm clock, no view, no TV and a bed that is so hard it is like a King Size ironing board. Finally 11:30 pm Thursday here 8:30 am Thursday in Palm Springs 29 hours since I left home and NOW I can go to sleep.

Friday - August 19, 2011

What happened to August 18??? I lost it somewhere in the Pacific as I crossed the International Date Line yesterday.

Me and my internal clock. 5:30am this morning …. And I am up. FOG, RAIN, HUMIDITY UGLY OUT THAT WINDOW today!

Watermelon, cookies, rice, broccoli and coffee for breakfast – I could recognize those things on the buffet!!! A day of preparation for workshops and meetings, then lunch with David and Wai Han at a place that was playing CHRISTMAS MUSIC as I ate dumplings and noodles. Felt really good today BUT at 630pm jet lag began to set in. BUT I did not nap!!! Went to dinner (Japanese food) and went to sleep @ 10pm.

Saturday August 20, 2011

Awake 6:30 GREAT REST!

Broccoli and rice and coffee for breakfast….. Then to Starbucks. On the way there I stopped to watch a group of Women with GIANT red fans dancing in the park to music. It was like a Chinese Tai Chi/Ballet – something to see. I love to see all of the elderly walking with their packages….on bicycles and motor bikes. Determination and pride has wrinkled their faces and hard work has toughened their spirits. People and more people EVERYWHERE. Makes New York look like a small town.

I spent the whole day with 2 trainers that came in from Shenyang (NINI and HALLE). They worked with me in December, have been teaching Beaming since I left and will now be ready after this trip to go out and conduct trainings for the YOGA WAVE chain. They will work with me again all day tomorrow and will team- teach 10 master classes with me in three cities PLUS they will assist me in leading a Training in Harbin.

Dinner - walked a good mile in the HOT HOT STICKY HUMIDITY to a place called “grandma’s kitchen”. The place was packed with people and like most in China the ambiance was NON existent. We ate “family style”, most of the food I could not recognize except for the CHICKEN FEET which I did not eat. So I stuck with rice, noodles, broccoli and several other vegetables. YES we walked back. By the time I got to my hotel I was SOPPING WET WITH SWEAT. But all of these experiences are just fantastic reminders of how wonderful it is to be alive and have the opportunity to experience and explore the world we live in!

Sunday August 21, 2011

Another GREAT NIGHT SLEEP!!! My usual breakfast at the buffet of things I can identify! Off to starbucks – they know me there now and know what I like and I know the price is “31 RMB” $4.85.

Training today consisted of each trainer (NINI and HALLE) giving portions of the lecture (and of course Wai Han was there to give feedback regarding what they were saying) and I was able to help them with presentation style, body language etc. Then each one taught a 1 hour Beaming class to “our small group (David, Me, Wai Han, Nini and Halle). Both of them did a really great job at teaching, cuing and their form ant technique – impeccable (both are dancers, gymnasts and Pilates and Yoga teachers). After the lunch break, we sat for HOURS and HOURS working on translation of all of the materials………53 pages to be exact as well as the time schedule for the 2 day workshops they will be conducting to “ready” instructors to teach Beaming here in CHNA. We had most translated already – BUT……the translations were done by two different sources and Nini and Halle said that some was GOOD and some was NOT SO GOOD. So there we were from 2pm till 7pm going through the materials line by line to make sure we have 1 SOLID translation of all the material. This was also helpful as they asked many questions and this process helped them to internalize and really “own” the content.

Dinner with David and Wai Han ………price “200 RMB” $31.00 for ALL THREE of us (same price as last night) you can literally eat here 3 meals a day for less than $18.00 a day!

Monday August 22, 2011

I am amazed at how well I am doing on the time zone. No adjustment at ALL. Sleeping perfectly!

What a GREAT DAY! I taught class today to members in the morning at 1 location and then another one at another location in the evening. The clubs I am working with here are called YOGA WAVE and they are predominantly Yoga studios with “some” Fitness. Most of the members shy away from the fitness programming however NOT from Beaming. Both classes today were sold out with people standing and watching.

In the morning, Halle did the introduction and explanation and then taught the beginning of the class (awaken and align) then she handed the microphone off to Nini. I taught the middle of the class (experience and explore section) while Nini cued and then Nini finished the class with rejuvenate and reframe…..she taught mostly Pilates based moves as she teaches Pilates as well. The class was a huge success and I could not have been more proud of these 2 trainers!!! They really did a FANTASTIC JOB and I am very comfortable with them. In the evening class, the 2 of them switched rolls and Halle ended with rejuvenate and reframe utilizing more bridging and Yoga as that is her expertise. Once again a HUGE SUCCESS. Over the course of the next 6 days we will do this same format 8 more times (twice tomorrow here and the moving on to Shenyang and Harbin)

Meanwhile, between classes we had the day. We took the BUS yes the BUS from the first club over to the second one. Sardines in a can = people on the bus standing hip to hip swaying back and forth and jerking from side to side as the driver swerved , slammed on brakes and did everything he could to make it seem like we were on a ride at Disney land. Nini and Wai Han actually were nauseated when we got off!! Here in Hangzhou there is a famous tourist place called West Lake. It is a beautiful lake surrounded by weeping willows, flower beds and ancient Chinese buildings and statues. That is where we got off the bus as the club we taught at in the evening is close by. We had Korean food for lunch and then went to the open air (touristy) market to walk around. It was really a lot of fun, interesting and I will have video to post on Face Book when I return to the states.

Sigh……………………..long day but GREAT DAY!

Tuesday August 23, 2011

2 more Master classes here in Hangzhou. Both sold out with many, many MORE people watching. Once again Halle and Nini did an excellent job and the classes went SMOOOOTH as silk! The BUZZ about Beamfit™ is definitely HERE in Hangzhou! People are excited for the classes to begin next week with David Valez teaching several at each club each week!

In between we ate lunch and then went walking around the West Lake. Although cloudy and foggy, it was bustling with people and I was the only Caucasian in the bunch! It is very beautiful and peaceful there and was a nice way to spend the afternoon.

For dinner, one of the personal trainers at the gym (Golden is his name) took us to a place. We pulled up in a taxi and climbed out and then climbed up a rickety staircase to a place I would have never walked into in a MILLION YEARS………but when you are in the hands of a local, you TRUST! We had our own private dining room – don’t picture the Waldorf, picture a soup kitchen. The food (flavors) was amazing although I did not eat much of “what” was in these giant bowls as I had no idea what it was. I used the sauces and soups from these bowls over my rice and ate vegetables (and god only knows what animals and animal parts were used to flavor those). Sleep now.

Wednesday August 24, 2011

Today was a travel day. After breakfast the 5 of us …off to the airport BYE BYE HANGZHOU …..On to SHENYANG. This is the city where NINI and HALLE live. The flight was delayed due to weather but only for about 45min. Up we went and 2 hours later we landed in SHENYANG. The cab ride from the airport to the hotel was an experience in survival. NO ONE follows rules. NO ONE drives in one lane. NO ONE stays in a lane. On the FREEWAY there are people on bicycles, there are people WALKING and CROSSING yes CROSSING the freeway. It just can’t be described – you just have to be in a cab experiencing it as you pray you will live to reach the destination. There are SO MANY PEOPLE and cars!!!

HALLE and NINI took cabs home and David, Wai Han and I arrived at our hotel. We immediately went on a hunt for the place we needed to buy TRAIN TICKETS as the 5 of us will be taking the four hour train ride to HARBIN on Saturday morning. THIS was an ordeal but thank god for WAI HAN because without her I would be lost. We walked around a bit and then went to dinner at the place I had my last meal when I was here last December. The food was SO SO good……..on e note: we had a cold spinach and garlic dish that was delicious. It tasted a bit like cilantro, a bit like mint, a bit like garlic and a bit like spinach. But what made this unique was that the after taste and EFFECT on my mouth was like nothing I had ever eaten before. After chewing and swallowing, my mouth felt a bit tingly, then a bit numb it was a weird sensation……it was very strange, yet the more I ate the more the sensation increased and the more intrigued I was………………..definitely something I will never forget. And then we walked back to the hotel……off to sleep. Tomorrow I teach twice.

Thursday August 25, 2011

Nothing so different today - 2 GREAT CALSSES one in the AM and one in the PM! Nini and Halle were very excited today as these classes (today and tomorrow) are taught in their home city in their home clubs where Halle is the Group Exercise Manager. Oh …. And once again had GREAT FOOD!!! Oh I almost forgot - I HAD 2 media INTERVIEWS WITH 2 Chinese magazines. Interviews plus photo shoots with members from the club standing around watching……they think I am some celeb from the USA “very funny to me” ….. Little do they know I am just some kid from Morton Grove Illinois J who followed his dream!

Friday August 26, 2011

The trip is winding down. We had today here in Shenyang and the off to Harbin for the finale! We had to run off CHINESE manuals. IN the states I would go to Staples or Office Depot………but HERE ….. (See the pictures attached!)

There is the fall festival coming soon and it is CHINESE Tradition to buy MOON CAKES (little individual round cakes with different fillings to celebrate this season change) We bought some today to eat on the train tomorrow.

2 GREAT classes AGAIN!! At home, Sometimes I have issues with members coming in after class has started …….. And even worse, they come RUSHING IN for the next class before I have finished, Well here in China; here is how it works and I LOVE IT.

Before each class the room is locked down during preparation and a sign is put up on the door that prevents people from entering... 2 people come in and set up the equipment needed (in my case they lay down a toga mat and then a BEAM on top) When the door is opened to let people in, a door monitor is present with a clip board. They greet and count the people entering the class. ORDER!!! After the class has begun, a sign is put up which stops people from entering the room. After the class is over 5 people come in and CLEAN each, mat and each BEAM as well as the floor and mirrors. This cleaning procedure happens after EVERY class EVERY day of the week! LOVE THIS……..

Nini and HALLE treated us to Chinese Bar B Q ……..unlike America all the foods come on sticks and have minimal sauce YUM YUM YUM!!!


Well today is a travel day. It started with the hotel check out and then a cab ride to the train station. This experience just cannot be described well here. THOUSANDS and THOUSANDs of people pushing and shoving in a place that reminded me of the UMSHLAGPLAZ ( Gathering area) In the old Warsaw Ghetto during the Nazi occupation of Poland during WWII. Shoving, pushing, dirty, poor lighting, poor ventilation, scary………schlep the suitcases up some staires,,,,,,then down some stairs………then stand, gather, wait…..walk more down dark dingy tunnels , schlep more and then up the final staircase to the outside platform to board the train ( VIDEO will be on FACEBOOK SOON)

The train was VERY NICE and we had comfortable seats …..really …..It was like a 4 hour flight with food and beverage service and everything. The train holds 1,000 people!!! And then we arrived in Harbin 4 hours later to enter ANOTHER TRAIN STATION …….just like the one we started with this morning in Shenyang.

We got to our hotel YES YES another one of those CRAZY cab rides……but looking out the window here, I see less chaos, less pollution and less old-world China. It looks a bit more like an American city. The hotel is like one you would find in Japan – small room and very modern/high-tech. AT LEAST it has a GREAT SHOWER.

Off to the grocery store, then lunch and then yes…..you guessed it to teach another class! We have it down SO WELL now you would think the 3 of us were teaching from 1 brain. Once again the class was sold out to an enthusiastic crowd! Off to walk around the Streets and then to a Japanese place to eat. Food AMAZING!


I gave the workshop today to instructors here in Harbin. Wai Han translated, they had the manual in Chinese and Halle and Nini assisted by presenting the materials on Breathing, Barefoot and Sensory. Wai Han listened very closely to how they presented the materials and she said they were just awesome…..using their own life experiences to exemplify many of the key points. So I taught 2 hour class in the AM, then the Base work 1 hour class in the afternoon along with ideas how “else” to use the Beamfit. Then more lecture and THEN Nini. Halle and I taught the last mater class together …the 10th one!!!

Dinner HA HA - all the instructors plus the 5 of use filled a private room in another room in a place YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE!!! Pictures attached!!

Monday August 29, 2011

The day started with packing, coffee and peaches. Wai Han David and I went to the club to see NINI and HALLE as they were conducting the 2nd day of training on their own…….we had to see them and say goodbye. And here we go……. Cab to the airport – delayed flight from Harbin to Shanghai…..and once in Shanghai I had to claim my bag and THEN check in with United! I was running and RACING with the bag to the United counter…..and then through immigration and security check,,, running and SWEATING to get to the plane……………………..by the skin of my teeth I made it on board!!! ! 13 hours later landed in LA and sat for a few hours waiting for my Palm Springs flight. Needs less to say cab+ 3 flights and 26 hours later I made it home at 9pm.

I don’t know how I do it but in each direction I get RIGHT ON the time zone!! Went to bed at 11pm and was up at 7am Tuesday – no nap – and off to bed at 10….as if I had never been 6,000 miles away and living on a 15hour time difference for 12 days.

Just a few notes to mention about CHINA

1) No diapers. The little kids wear shorts that are slit in the back so they can pee and poop – and they do it right out in the streets

2) No Tampons or G strings

3) No tipping and No TAXES on anything

4) Dessert is brought out with the meal and served at the same time…….example Tomatoes COVERED in hard grain sugar

5) Napkins – lucky to get any and when you do you either get cocktail sized napkins or what looks like small pack tissues

6) Entrances to businesses have a small “curb” you step over. Why? It is believed it keeps the ghosts and bad spirits out

7) Chinese people are EXCELLENT at Beaming

8) Eating black and white fungus tastes good and is excellent for your health and digestion

9) ½ the time you have no idea what you are eating

10) Here are some American names of some of the people here I met – King, Ice, iPod, Lulu, Lemon, Smile, Happy

11) The bullet train is very cool VERY cool America WAKE UP!

12) There are several smells you will smell when here : Sewage, car exhaust, cigarettes, the smell of Chinese food – always a scent in the air

13) Women wear ankle high nylons

14) People are clamoring in the streets wearing Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Chanel,Dior and Prada – and it is ALL FAKE

15) People in the clubs are paper thin and have no body fat and like the exercise rooms to be SO SO SO HOT!

16) Nike and ADIDAS rule – never saw Reebok or Puma

17) Very surprised to see so many BMW’s, Mercedes, Cadillac’s and Audis

18) The elderly are just fabulous and strong. Riding bikes, walking, dancing in the streets, working, carrying heavy loads

All in all I just LOVE CHINA and the Chinese people. There’s no place like home but WOW what an experience!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greta blog.. Keep up the good work !

China Hotels