Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's a NEW Beginning!!!

It is said that “In the beginning G-d created the heaven and the earth.” Like all beginnings there is a before, a “pre” beginning. Well I don’t know what there was before G-d created the heaven and earth or how they even came to be, but I do know what came before the beginning of this year. It was the 49 ½ years of my life prior to January 01, 2010. And unlike the creation of heaven and earth, we all have a chance at a new “in the beginning” each year of our lives!

If we all reflect on that very fact, the reality and excitement of yet another “in the beginning” is awe inspiring. Like the creation of the earth, your life is a creation BUT, with the changing of the year YOU are given another chance at another “in the beginning.”

What will you do with this awesome opportunity?

How will you use it to better yourself? The lives of others?

What challenges will you face?
What conquests will you make?

As you start this year, create a list of what you want to accomplish this year. Make it a REAL DOABLE list. Then….Think it, Speak it, write it down, act upon it and then Live it!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

12 Blessings

So we hear a lot about Christmas trees, drummer boys, angels, kings and of course the 12 days that pull it all together.”This” is the Holiday Season and the time of year when we give, share, create and decorate.

But what if we took just one moment and shifted the focus off doing and buying for others and shined a light on ourselves – specifically, our blessings, our fortune, our own JOY in the world.

I challenge the 12 drummers drumming, 7 swans swimming and even the lonely partridge in a Pear Tree to take stock for a moment in THESE 12 blessings of Life:

The ability to: see, hear, smell, taste, touch, laugh, think, hold memories and learn
The privilege of: Family, Friends and having opportunities to experience.

These are blessings that cover a wide spectrum from the physical to the intellectual and emotional. These are blessings many of us take for granted every day. Blessings we would be lost without. Blessings that many in the world don’t enjoy. Take THIS moment – RIGHT NOW – take a breath, don’t just count these blessings but honor them. Be thankful for them individually and the power of them collectively and how they impact every moment of your day, your life, your legacy.

Site – Just look around you. The fact that you CAN look around you is in itself a blessing. Now factor in all that you see when you look around you = POWERFUL!

Sound - Just close your eyes for a moment and listen. What do you hear? A symphony? A barking dog or perhaps an ambulance hurrying to save a life. What a spectacular blessing “hearing” is. Not everyone has been blessed with it – be thankful.

Smell – There is nothing more enticing this time of year than the smell of cookies baking, or the pine tree standing tall all decorated and proud. The smells of this season evoke memories which in turn lead us to feel so many things this time of year. Ahhhh, our sense of smell is perhaps, the strongest connection to the experiences in our lives.

Taste – What better time of year to be thankful for the blessing of taste than the Holiday’s? Savor the flavors, eat the cookies with joy, and drink the wine in style. Hmmm…now pinch your nose and stifle your taste - eat a piece of chocolate - without taste…..what’s the point!! Touch – Oh, Oh, I can feel it now……the sensual touch of a lover, the warmth and coziness of cashmere throw. I can also feel how the words from a Christmas card from a friend far away touch my heart and remind me of the times we once shared. Don’t forget to FEEL all that is around you as you reach out and touch the world.

Laughter – They (who ever “they “are ) say laughter is medicine. Well, I don’t much like to take medicine, but if it all tasted as good as the sweetness of laughter I would never miss a dose – and I don’t. Let’s laugh at ourselves, laugh out loud and laugh throughout our day, every day, just in case it IS medicine. And ya know, you can even get a great ab workout if the laughter is hard enough, loud enough – if it reaches deep enough inside.

Think – NO not in the intellectual sense but in the profound sense. Question, analyze, ponder, study all through your day. The more you do the more you learn and the more you learn the more you grow and the richer that growth becomes. Hold your memories dear – Don’t ever let them go for they make up the history of your life. Can you look back today and journal on the most memorable Christmas’s in your life? What about the most memorable people? Take your time feel the memories don’t just conger them up. Let them take you away for a time. Let them take you back in time so you can reflect and move forward.

Learn – Explore the lessons in each day you live. Apply today’s learning to tomorrow’s experience. See the messages in your life and use them to create an even better one. Every moment of every day is an opportunity TAKE IT!

Family and Friends – Many of us are blessed with large families, some with small. Remember, your family may not just be your blood relatives. Sometimes your family is no biological relation at all. Those closest to you and your heart are your family regardless of how near they may be or how far. The blessing of family is an important one. Even in the animal kingdom, many species live in family units. Friends too are like family and in many instances are one in the same. Take a moment and list just 10 of your closest family and friends. Now, list the 10 that are farthest either geographically or in terms of time you have been away from them. Call THOSE 10 today. Wish them well, tell them how much they mean to you, what they mean to you – don’t wait, often times we’re too late!

Experience – the 11 above come to THIS the 12 blessing – the ability to experience life and all it has to offer each and every one of us – the 6 Billion on this planet. I ask you to move through your life from this moment forward with a renewed sense of enlightenment, relish in all your blessings.

Life should be a celebration – and that celebration should be living - and living is much richer when you not only count your blessings but realize them in a real, tangible way. So sing about the 12 days of Christmas this season – and the rest of the year season your life by allowing these 12 blessings to pepper your days!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What are "YOU" thankful for?

On Thanksgiving Day many of us have the tradition of stating (out loud) what we are thankful for. I have done it myself, gone around the dinner table and asked everyone to share. Each person would get up, in sincere honesty, and provide a list of things that they are thankful for. This year, I am going to challenge us all to list just one thing.

That’s right one thing.

It’s much easier to ramble off a list so I ask us all to THINK! I have been thinking about this for weeks and could not get it right ……until now!
This year I want to shout from the rooftops that I AM THANKFUL FOR ADOPTION! YES ADOPTION!

You see, I was adopted and I am thankful. It is the result of that 1 thing in my life that has set the course for my entire existence. I am thankful that the 2 people who adopted me (my parents) did so and brought me to live in the small modest home I grew up in.

If THOSE 2 people didn’t adopt me and bring me to THAT home at THAT place and time – I would not be the person I am today, which is a result of every experience I have had and every person I have known from Mari Nelson who I just connected with after over 35 years to Perry who I have lived with for the past 15.
I am thankful for adoption because I was adopted. And through that adoption I have been blessed with wonderful family members - cousins, aunts and uncles, true friends and long time colleagues. I am thankful for adoption because I got to grow up in Morton Grove, Illinois, go to Hebrew school, learn to play the piano and have the opportunity to attend college all in a nurturing environment. And THAT just scratches the surface.
So I ask you to dig deep and think – what is REALLY important and what do you REALLY have to be thankful for?
This Thanksgiving, with all the turmoil in the world, it is important not to lose focus but rather to take stock in what really matters. Many people are losing their homes, their jobs and their comfortable way of life. But even those people have a reason to be thankful this year. Perhaps this year, for many, the focus on the thanks and the gratitude will have less to do with what they have and more to do with who they are, where they came from or what they can achieve as a result of it.

So, as you sit at your Thanksgiving table, adorned with candles, flowers and food, take just a moment to reflect on just one thing (big or small) that you are truly thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

How do YOU Balance your life?

Balance is often taken for granted; that is until you're forced to put it to the test. I know many of you reading this have said at one time or another “I have horrible balance." I’ll bet you have found yourself wobbling around when you put on your shoes standing up.
Balance, like many of our body's “taken for granted commodities”, deteriorates with age. But beware; age is not the only reason why balance diminishes. Injuries to the lower extremities are another common culprit. A sprained ankle, a wrenched knee , broken toe or injured hip all cause a break in communication between the joint and the brain, altering proprioception - or the body's ability to know where it is in space.

The science behind how the body balances itself is complicated, but simply stated: when sensory data delivered to your brain from vision, the inner ear or your sensory receptors is in some way disrupted, your sense of awareness in space and your balance is disrupted. But the solution to improving this situation is simple – You can easily improve your balance while Beaming™ on the Beamfit™ Beam.

Research studies provide data indicating improvements among those who participate in balance training programs are realized within the first training experience. As for you athletes, incorporating balance exercises (both static and dynamic) into our regular workout is worth the extra time and effort

Why does it even matter?

Well, balance training:

Repairs damaged pathways to the brain assisting in training the right and left hemispheres of your brain to communicate with each other more efficiently,

Strengthens weakened stabilizing muscles throughout your body ( especially in your ankles and feet)

Teaches the body new strategies for keeping itself upright reducing the risk of falling or tripping as you walk through your life.

What's more? Jumping over puddles, standing on a ladder to change light bulbs, snowboarding, and riding on the shuttle at the airport (standing up) all require balance, so a little improvement just makes your life easier.

So if you’re looking to improve your balance and improve your life visit to get your beam and a DVD and start Beaming™ today!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

November Mantra

Believe in yourself
It’s funny how we all seem to believe in something or someone. We believe in God. We believe in the universe. We believe there is good in all people. We believe in the right to bear arms – and the list goes on. It’s interesting how, often times we don’t put ourselves on this list, and if we do, we don’t list ourselves first! Belief in yourself – your abilities and your capabilities is the first step in changing your life forever. Belief in yourself increases your confidence level, increases your desire to get out there and live your best life and shows the world just what you are capable of.
Express to the Universe what it is you desire in life
Why keep secret thoughts? Why hide your desires? Why hope and wait? Make a poster board with pictures – a scrap book. Create a hope chest, write a poem, create a doable list and set goals, take action in some way – join a dating service – a gym, cut something out of your diet or add a new healthy habit. By openly acting on something, or expressing it to the Universe, YOU can begin to realize, in a concrete way, your desires. Remember, a thought expressed by a word becomes an action and an action becomes the reality of your experience in the world.

Achieve your dreams by waking up and living them
Most of us have ideas, hopes and dreams. We make lists. We make plans. We have good intentions. And in the end, most of us wake up and can’t remember the dream…let alone execute it. With all we have to do, our busy schedules and complex lives keep us living in the here and now, just muddling through the day to day list of things that must get done. As we begin this winter season, filled with all the wonderment of the holidays and the promise of the New Year, promise yourself that you will put your dream into action.

Make every action deliberate
Don’t waste time on things, people and places that don’t serve to further your quest, your dream. Bring ideas, people and experiences into your life that represent what you want and can help you get there. We all have that moment when we think “Why do I have to go to dinner with “so and so” - or why do I have to go to “that” party with “those” people who I really don’t have much in common with. Well, the answer is – YOU DON’T HAVE TO! Take charge of your life; make decisions that serve to better your experience in the world. By doing this you will continue to evolve to be a better you, a happier you. And “ that” YOU will be a better asset to the world and the people around you, not to mention a truer representation of you- who you are actually suppose to be evolving into on your life path.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Are you “Re-gifting” your life?

Are you “Re-gifting” your life?

As the calendar pages blow past in the wind, the months pass by, the days just fly. Like falling leaves they get lost in history never to be realized again. Yet before they disappear ,we have a chance to make each day like each leaf, individual, different, special – a truly unique entity. The opportunities – endless. The possibilities – bountiful!
What we do, choose to act on, strive to experience sets each day apart from all the others. Yet many days we live as one’s that have passed repeating things, that in many ways, only needed one days worth of attention, energy or thought.
It is said each day is a gift. The question becomes: Who wants to receive the same gift twice? Are you “Re-gifting” your days, your life? If this logic leads our way we should choose to live each day like the falling leaves, and like a child open each gift expecting it to be new, exciting and something we will cherish forever.

Each leaf was a gift to the world from its mother tree. Each day is a gift we can give ourselves. It’s inexpensive, it can be life transforming and changing. Take today and run away with your imagination, your dreams……run away ….blow into the wind and see where it takes you. You may be surprised what lies ahead and where you will land.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

When Smoke gets in YOUR eyes

Anxiety, Hyperactivity, uncertainty and self doubt can lead to emotional imbalance, stress and tension and this can lead to distraction which in turn can throw you off course.When we allow these distractions to take root it as if a cloud of smoke begins to appear on the horizon….and before we know it we are enveloped in it…….coughing and choking – suffering from smoke inhalation. We become blinded and lose our way……. when this smoke gets in your eyes. This very state leads us right back to the root – the anxiety, stress, tension and thus disrupts our natural flow of positive energy.

So how do we get back on track…..regain mental clarity and focus?
Mental clarity can be achieved and maintained only when we are balanced and calm. This simply means we need to create an equilibrium in our lives. When we are agitated, and imbalanced it gives rise to an agitated, imbalanced mind. When we are calm and have balanced our energy we can obtain mental clarity. One great way to regain Mental Clarity is to get on a Beamfit™ Beam! Even if you don’t have time for a full workout on you can still greatly benefit by just standing on the Beam in split stance, refocusing your attention for as little as 5 minutes
This simple exercise is great when you need to center, re-group and change your perspective on those frazzled, stressful days.

Visit to get your Beam today.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wash your windows...Rinse away the EGO and let your "Spirit" shine!

Regardless of religious affiliation, or lack thereof, most of us agree that people have a “spirit” and that the “spirit” is the source of all consciousness, and the source of awareness that lights up the mind. It is the part of us that is open, free, and innocent - seeking new experiences and shining with pure joy. When we live through our spirit, we are BALANCED and in harmony with ourselves and the world around us. But as soon as we enter the world in the physical form, social conditions that surround us begin to chip away at “spirit”, creating self doubt, a need to “conform” and it is this that drives us further from our true “spirit’s” desire to express itself and strive.

These conditions begin to empower the EGO and as the EGO takes hold we lose a portion of our pure “spirit”…….”spirit” that wishes to express and be free without constraint. This overtaking of the “spirit” by EGO leads to the “spirit’s” loss, in part, of its conscious leadership of our experiences in life. The EGO asks for its own gratification both physically as well as emotionally. When this happens we experience racing thoughts that clutter our minds……..constantly filling our hearts and minds with questions, doubts and fears. All of that chatter suppresses our true “spirit” and we drift further away from our hearts desires.

Like a snowflake falling gently to the ground, the “spirit” is blown in many directions by the EGO and it slowly melts along the way. The act of being tossed and turned while simultaneously melting leaves us far from that first day of life….when the “spirit” was pure and in charge.

When we are born, it is said, we have a clean slate…..a fresh perspective….we are an open book. But our”spirit” although strong and stable, can be delicate and vulnerable in the shadow of the EGO and like a window (after all it is the window into our souls) it can become streaked……streaked with greed, lust, conflicting emotions and thoughts.

So the question becomes…..How do we move away from EGO, back to “spirit” and live a life filled with pure joy and BALANCE?

How do we “wash the window?”

This is an introspective journey that takes time and is done with calculated thought and effort. We must seek ways to clear away emotional obstruction, attitudes and preconceived notions. We must learn how to return to “spirit.” We can meditate, focusing on the “letting go” rather than the “holding on to” ingrained thoughts and ideas. We can dig deep inside of ourselves and feel rather than think about what it is we want in life and how we can achieve it. We can begin to listen to the inner voice that is guiding us, our “spirit” voice, and disregard the rebuttal voice, the EGO voice, that sabotages us and fosters self-doubt

Take a moment each day to focus on one small thing you would like to change about the way you experience your life – a moment to identify one thing you would REALLY like to do, regardless of what the EGO is telling you or the fear it may create. It can be as small as wearing a shoe with an outfit….because your “spirit” sees it as the right choice, suppressing the EGO’s voice that would normally drive you to change it 3 or 4 times. Or, it could be as huge as removing someone from your friendship circle because they really are no good for you….perhaps they enable your alcoholism, perhaps they continue to feed your EGO and assist in the suppression of your “spirit”

You will find, throughout this process you will become more self-aware. You will experience more joy in your life. You will become more empowered, more certain of yourself…. your true self. You will begin to live in harmony with your “spirit” and by doing so you will radiate, BEAM with positive energy. And all of this will lead to living a life that is becoming more BALANCED and this will lead you to a heightened sense of peace as you walk through the rest of your life.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Autumn in The Heartland

Autumn in the Heartland
The leaves are changing, the landscape bleak
Autumn in the heartland, colors at their peak.

Pumpkins and hay stacks and corn stalks abound
Witches and goblins can even be found.

Birds over head flying in form
Animals seek shelter trying to keep warm.

Yes, it’s autumn in the heartland, some call it Fall
As Mother Nature prepares to let white snow fall…

To cover the branches and make brittle the trees,
To blanket the earth with slumber and peace.

The waters will freeze and the icicles form,
The sun will beat down unable to warm.

The days will grow shorter as the temperature drops
And the seeds sleep below where once there grew crops.

Yes it’s autumn in the heartland a time of transition
When moms and their children bake cookies in the kitchen.

Each year leaves change color and start their great fall
What magical magnificence Mother Nature has for us all

Monday, September 21, 2009

Lesson from the Geese

As the leaves begin to change color, the air takes on a crispness and nature gears up for the next season – have you ever paid attention to geese flying in formation overhead on a brisk autumn morning beneath a golden sunrise? There they are …just picture them – majestic wonders of nature on an ancient mission to vacation all winter in a sunny climate. Perhaps they are enroute to Palm Springs!!

Notice as they fly over head… they have picked a formation. As you gaze up at them , look closely, although they have picked a formation, they HAVE NOT picked a steadfast leader… the leader intermittently changes as they fly off into the distance. It is as if they are performing a choreographed routine up front… then another....THIS one dropping back to gave way to THAT one.....and all the while it is done with the elegance and cooperation of a beautiful ballet. I don’t think they give much thought to who is leading …who is following…I don’t think they much care. I believe what is important to them is that the entire flock, as an entity, arrives safely and intact to its final destination. There is a sense of oneness, of social responsibility, unity – the individuals working together to protect the safety and well being of the whole. They have created a symbiotic relationship that shares leaders and everyone, who wants it, equal opportunity to command the lead. There is beauty in this simplicity, a sense of wisdom to the effort and a true commitment to the overall well being of their micro society.

Perhaps our politicians can take a lesson from the geese.

Picture a congress that actually works together in planning, legislating and decision making. And what if whether freshman or veteran all members had the opportunity to chair and lead on various committees and task forces……based upon their expertise, experience and knowledge…true equality within the common collective in an effort to have a smoother running system of government that can work FOR all of us. It truly would be something to experience a congress that paid attention to you and me rather than the lobbyists or other outside influencers. A Congress that votes on issues along CONSCIOUS lines and not party lines or interest group pressure.

And what if we had a president who could awaken every day with the knowledge that the collective is happy and running smoothly......

Why can’t we work together? Why do we have to fight? Why can’t we recognize that every citizen has rights – gay, straight – black, white – male, female – and those on BOTH SIDES of every issue??? Why can’t we Balance out our ideals and meet in the middle to bring together the best of all of the ideas?

Why is so much time spent on distancing and separating ourselves ……Why can’t we be more like the geese?

The geese have survived for millions of years working together through mutual respect, unity and an understanding that if they don’t look out for one another….they may become extinct.

Will we eventually become extinct if we don’t begin to learn the lesson from the geese??

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Walking consciously through your day will keep your conscience clear and your life’s purpose on track.

As you awaken each morning, stretching, yawning…. and as your senses are rebooting - take a moment during this time of re-entry into your waking hours and prompt yourself to keep your mind and heart open. Be curious, learn…look for the lessons of the day ahead and apply them for your tomorrows. And then, as you return to bed each night, take stock, review your day …how open were you that day? What did you learn? How did that help you?

During these reflective moments, you may notice that you learned much, or, perhaps never once thought about the plan you set forth that morning. Either way, the day happened, you experienced it, you saw things, smelled them, tasted them and touched them. Whatever your day was like, you grew from the experience of it and added those experiences to the tapestry that is YOUR life. Use all of this to get to know yourself better.

You'll see that there are many events in the day that may change the way you view yourself, the way you view your world and these happenings can only come from opening your heart and mind to all the possibilities that are put before you.
Walking consciously through your day will keep your conscience clear and your life’s purpose on track.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Run, Walk, Train, Cab, Bus, Car.........rush rush rush - YES I am in NYC. Meetings, traininings, dinners, Busy ,busy........ BEAMING has me really on the move.

All is well now I sleep to do it all over again

Let's stop searching and just go home!!

Let’s stop searching and just go home!

As we look at the things in our lives that we place importance on we should seek to understand why. To analyze the reasons why things appear on our list of importance in the order of priority is an important question as we begin to understand more about ourselves and how we relate to the world around us.

Many things in our lives become important for many reason. To some it matters what other people think. To many the level of education of OTHERS around us seems to be of some importance. Socioeconomic status, what we do for a living, where we are living and what we are driving all find their way somewhere on the list of things that we are concerned about.

Notice how our lists are filled with material things or perceptions of things outside of ourselves. So, why are these things important? This is a question I leave up to each one of you to ask of yourselves …about your own personal lists.

At any rate, none of those things I mentioned will lead any closer to the one thing that really should appear first on the list…finding the supreme essence of who we are as spiritual beings . This reaches far beyond the physical existence of the ego, of our need to serve it and nourish it.

People are searching for peace and harmony in their lives. That search is causing them to look ahead, forward, outside of their inner self; the search is driving them further and further away from themselves. And the more they search, the more they look outside ,the further they get from finding it. We need to learn who we are on the deepest level. Accept that person. Love that person. Nurture that person. Grow that person. Believe in that person. Express the desires of that person. Let that person shine and Beam for that person is YOU!

The challenge is to give that person a chance to speak out, to wave a flag and show you that they’re right there with you, in you…screaming out to you to STOP looking ……and realize that leaving “your house” to find “a home” will never work…….and if you continue on that path you will never truly find your home.

My hope is for each and every one of us to be able to look in a mirror one day and simply say “It’s good to finally be home”. And when you do please call me up and invite me over. I will do the same

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Day in Flight!

I travel often for work and can’t help but notice things as I do.

Today I flew from Palm Springs to Dallas and then Dallas to NYC. It amazes me how people act in public. It makes me wonder how they act in the privacy of their own homes. If you pick your nose in the airport in broad day light while waiting in the boarding area what do you do at home? And what about all of these people walking around texting while pulling a suitcase, not paying attention where they are going, how slow they are walking or how rude it is. I can’t help but wonder…..Are people getting to the point where they just don’t care about ANYTHING but themselves? Like, there is no reason to be polite, courteous or have any sense of social decency.

Just the other day we had a member of Congress blurt out at the President of the United States, a professional Tennis champion go off on a referee and a music artist interrupt the acceptance speech of one of his peers.

Do we have a social consciousness anymore? Do we even care if we do? Do we pay attention? And what are the messages being sent ….”Do what you want, break a law, speak out of turn…..and then just apologize or pay a fine and all is ok again. If this is the direction the world is going I am truly mortified!

I can’t control any of it. So I have to let it go. But I can use it to my advantage to remind myself not to behave in this manner. I can blog about it and hope the some of you reading will think about it.

There may be a day where even I may open my mouth in an inappropriate manner and have to apologize about it, but I do know this – you will NEVER see me picking my nose in an airport!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


I am packing the last few things I need for my trip tomorrow . I will be off to NYC for perhaps one of the most important weeks of my life.

As I was folding clothes and checking the list, I had to just stop for a moment to reflect on how blessed I am in life. I am humbled by the power of the Universe and all it has shown me and shared with me. I am grateful for all the people it has brought in and out of my life all these years and for the lessons they have taught me. I am grateful to have the opportunity to share what I have to offer with others and give back to the Universe for all it has given me.

It is with this spirit that I now go to sleep, resting my eyes, my mind, my heart hoping to continue to dream big dreams and believing that those dreams can become the reality I will live tomorrow.

I ask all of you to do the same the next time you lay down for your rejuvenation period we call "sleep."

Dream Big. Think Big. Do Big.

The Universe is a BIG place. It has a Big space for each one of us to fill. I hope to do my best to fill that space with something meaningful, purposeful.....something that will perhaps in some small way shift it. If we all do this we can collectively participate in that shift....and bring forth the best in each other thus bringing to future generations a better world.

Good night

What's wrong with a little......."FOREPLAY?"

Often times we look at or listen to something or someone and form an opinion or have a reaction based on “presumptive foreplay.” We tell ourselves stories about what they are doing or saying. Sometimes we take it personally. Sometimes we judge. Sometimes we blame. Sometimes we are surprised to learn we're dead wrong, and sometimes we are spot on. In any case this practice is a dangerous one. It limits us. It closes off our minds and our experiences in life.

The act of “presumptive foreplay” creates a situation that sets us up to only see and hear what we want to see and hear , preventing us from growing and learning. More often than not it blocks us on many levels – from seeing the truth to experiencing a new wonderment of living. It is the act of living in a world where we are experiencing things as we dream them up …where our reality can become one that is based upon our imagination. We begin to believe things we have conjured up during this “presumptive foreplay” session, and then defend them, trying to prove them, just to make ourselves right and others wrong.

Participating in “presumptive foreplay”, when dealing with our friends and significant others, is a great way to ask for trouble and bring on problems. It can lead us down a path where we assume that our partners or friends know what we think and that we don't have to tell them what we want. We assume they are going to do what we want, because they know us so well. If they don't do what we assume they should do, we feel hurt and say, "You should have known."

A simple technique to avoid the ramifications of “presumptive foreplay” is this…… JUST LIVE!

You see, life is about “living” and living is about experiencing, and experiencing is about being open to new things, unexpected surprises, discovery, and unpredictability. So the next time you find yourself slipping into the state of “presumptive foreplay”, STOP - and start asking questions, communicate. Have the courage to explore and clarify things. You will find the truth and the truth is the path that will lead you to a harmonious, balanced existence filled with joy and peace.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Words can't describe

This week has so much meaning to me. It was 2 years ago ( September 07, 2007) that June Kahn was visiting me and I first spoke , out loud to anyone, about my idea regarding a Beam. It was 1 year ago ( September 10, 2008) that we had the very first Beamfit Trainer's Training held in Palm Springs.

All the while, with all the planning and the collaborative efforts of so many , I have been struggling with a way to convey the true essence of Beaming with just the written word. In every attempt I have always ended with...." well you just have to experience it".....or...... "once you get on a'll get it"

To me , describing the experience of Beaming is like trying to describe the site of the sunrise to someone who can't see or the sound of Chopin to someone who can't hear. Yes - it is that dynamic, that powerful that impactful.

So, I offer you the opportunity to read a note I recieved today from a woman who took Beaming for the first time last week. Perhaps her experience will help me explain this wonderful thing I call Beaming.

"Hi David,
I was in your Friday class for the first time on Sept 4 and you asked me to let you know how I felt about it. Well, I was completely surprised and very affected in a whole person sort of way by that first class. I have always loved exercise and enjoyed my physicality. There was something about this class experience that completely engaged me - I felt that I was training for dance, yoga, meditation, and was getting a good workout with a lot of inner focus. Having to do everything on the beam narrowed my mental focus to where all I was thinking about was doing the movements. I experienced a lot of pleasure in the movement and imagined being in practice as a dancer and gymnast. At the end of class, I was aware of feeling a lot of emotion - a deeper sense of calm and some exhilaration too.

I'm looking forward to class tomorrow. Take care,

Thursday, September 10, 2009

What are we doing?

So, “we” in the Fitness Industry are working hard every day to promote health and fitness. We teach, we train, we guide and we educate...................but

· What are we actually doing?
· What impression are we actually leaving on people ?
· What is our role in the way in which our participants and clients view what it means not only to BE healthy and well.......but what the road to it looks like.

I raise this discussion because I have been teaching for 30 years - yes this month I will start my 31st year in this business. And I have been observing our industry from the inside as well as looking at it from the outside. I have talked to hundreds of people and…..What I don't understand is :

· People coming out of a spinning classes looking like they have just been water boarded....what is the message there? I have even seen an instructor go through a room and remove the seats. Why? What's the point? How does that help the average person build up their fitness level? Why does the workout have to be so over the top. I would like to think that if a person could come in the room - sit on the bike and ride it for an hour to some nice music played at an audibble decible level that .......THAT would encourage them to come back...

· Personal Trainers who take every client ( no matter age weight goals etc) through the same workout. I have seen trainers that with EVERY client - when it is 20 minutes after the hour ( any hour) they are standing at the same machine.

· Instructors who have been drawn to pre-choreographed workouts - ditching the opportunity to mold a class and plan and nurture it depending on WHO is in the room

· The pushing of supplements, powders, shakes, drinks and all of these "non food" ways to control weight

Most people show up to join a Health club facility because of some feelings of inadequacy. Because of the media, or their husband or friends, they feel they need to lose weight, or have flatter abs…..bigger arms or whatever……it’s ultimately linked somehow to not feeling “good enough.”

People need to be nurtured, encouraged, made to feel important, worthy – like they are “somebody” right here and now…..not that they have to “become somebody” .

I ask all of us in the industry to take a deep breath and look at who is walking in the doors – (according to IHRSA it is only 17% of the population. )

· What can we do to increase that number?
· How can we encourage the most out-of-shape person on the planet to come back to see us time after time?
· How can we all serve as the voice in these people’s lives that is accepting them right as they are and guiding them on a path to reach their goals…whether training for a marathon or simply trying to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle.

We are in a powerful position. I know each and every one of us cares deeply about our work. I know we all strive to be motivational and truly help people. I know we get fulfillment from seeing people we are working with on a regular basis succeed with their goals.

Join me….let’s collectively do what we can to REACH more people not just TEACH them!

So – Put the seats back on the spin bikes. Write training programs that are specifically designed for each one of your clients. Develop your class based on who is there and what they are capable of doing NOT on the new CD you got or the new moves YOU want to do. Walk out in the gym and invite 1 “stranger” each week to a class, and KEEP them coming on a regular basis. That is 52 new people a year in your classes….. Nurture people, talk to them. Make them feel special , convince them that they are worth it and that by being with YOU their lives can change. We have an incredible job, a fun way to make a living and a great opportunity to impact the human spirit in a way that can be transformational.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


The spa was just amazing!! Ojai is beautiful. The Oaks facility was just great…and the ladies that were there were spectacular!!!

I have been understandably occupied with Beaming™ these past 2 years. And although I have been teaching other types of classes – I have had my mind on that Beam!
Well at The Oaks these past 2 days. I rediscovered the joy of ALL of the things I can teach. Yes..Yes I taught Beaming™ and Beam-lates..OK I admit it. But I also taught the most incredible Aqua class I have taught in a long time. I used all Latin music…and we just had a ball!! The pool spectacular the weather divine and all of us in the pool just had a great time!! And then there was stretch at 9:15 am – the room was full and I created a great Mix…and just let myself flow and let go. I followed this with a barefoot cardio class to some GREAT music ( very ethnic from African to Egyptian) and we just let loose……I have not taught a class like this in probably 5 years…and it was awesome and I completely enjoyed every bit of it.
I rediscovered many things at The Oaks ……met some wonderful people – had EASY traffic free drives and all in all am just THRILLED I went. The joy of what I do for a living is beyond believe. I am blessed. I am excited. I am honored to have the opportunity to help people in any way I can. What a great weekend.
Labor Day - tomorrow – yes I will be LABORING over the web site. We are launching the new and improved site tomorrow


Oh......and have you seen these moons the last few nights..........Spectacular!!!

A word about words

I Often wonder about words…….their origin…….their meaning.
Today I am looking at the words "reconnect", "revisit" and "relax".

In the first instance, "reconnect", the word, means to come together AGAIN...implying that once , 2 things or people were together in some way and then for some reason they separated only to discover themselves or join forces once again.

The second word, "revisit" is similar in that it implies that a subject or location has had prior presence or relevance and for whatever reason has become relevant once again. We "revisit" topics as well as physical places. But it is the third word that has me baffled. We use it all of the time. But I am not sure we really actually "do it"

I am up at The Oaks Spa in Ojai California. It is a beautiful place. I am here to teach a bit of Beaming but I am also here to "relax" There are about 35 women here along with me. It is a mother, daughter weekend and there is joy in witnessing the interaction of the generations. In some instances there are 3 generations sharing some quality and FUN time away from their busy lives. In any case, these women are here for many reasons.......but the top 3 I could come up with ( aside from losing weight) are "reconnect" "revisit" and "relax".

Reconnect. In today’s society many of us have grown up and moved away from our home towns. As I sat and had lunch and dinner with these women I learned a great deal. So many of them only have a chance to reconnect for set periods of time throughout the year and this weekend here at The Oaks, for many is a “reconnecting" weekend. They sit around and tell stories of times gone by - update one another on what's been going on in their lives and genuinely seem to take great pleasure in the act of reconnecting. There are hugs......kisses...smiles and laughter. It warms my heart to see all of this as I am an only child, both of my parents are gone and I (on this level) will never have the chance to reconnect.....ever again. But for this moment in time, I can live it through what I am witnessing before me - the human condition "live".

Revisit. I also learned that the majority of these women are returning customers, revisiting The Oaks at least once a year. It is like a little home coming to them. They have their favorite rooms.....they know the class schedule...the staff.....their surroundings. There is a sense of joy and peace for them... knowing that they are "revisiting" an old friend - "The Oaks" and that while they are here they will also be "reconnecting" with loved ones and friends alike. Revisiting does the soul good - it conjures up memories in the deepest sense of the word. Not only do we recall but at the same time when we revisit we are creating new memories to be cherished the very next time we revisit.

Relax. Here I am ...back to "relax" and it is this word I am struggling with. I know that when we put "re" in front of a word it simply means acting like or doing something that we have done in the past. But as I look around me.....listen.....and then check in with my own experience I question the meaning of the word "relax". The root of the word is "lax" which means to loosen up - to let go......and the "re" in front of it implies that we have done it in the past. My question is simply this - do any of us really know what it means ... or have we ever really done it. Think in your own life. Think of what YOU do to relax. If it means to loosen up and let go.......have you ever really done it?

We live in a culture that frowns upon this in so many ways.......we look at letting go or loosening up in some cases as being lazy...or weak....... OH COME ON GET SERIOUS WIL YA?? For we must always be in control and adult-like. OH GROW UP - YOU’RE AN ADULT NOW........... As I looked around the classes I taught I saw some women actually trying to hide the fact that they were letting go and "whooping it up." But I continued to encourage them to express themselves......"the joy of movement can help release tension and even though you are working out...the letting go of the tension is a form of relaxing the mind and spirit", I saw amazement in their eyes as they came back from massages and facials -moments they were able to actually "relax and let go." There was a certain glow a shift of energy……they actually looked relaxed!

I think we need to learn the "lax" part of "relax" so that we can actually begin to "relax" more often. I know for myself - the work-a-holic that I am THIS is a lesson I need to study more closely.

I hope to reconnect with some of these women at another place and time - perhaps I have made some new lifetime friends this weekend. I hope to revisit The Oaks as it is a wonderful Spa and I thoroughly enjoyed my stay.......and I hope that my observations this weekend have shed some light on the fact that relaxation in many ways is not as easy as it is said to be.

The take away from this, for me, is that I will spend 30 minutes a day from now on “relaxing” I am going to close off the world – the phone – the computer – all interaction and simply just “BE”. I hope the next time I come to The Oaks I can take the experience of all of those 30 minute session………and actually “Relax” for an entire weekend.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

From Coast to Coast

SO..... it was a whirl wind in August. The DCAC convention in Alexandria VA. was a big success. June, Lawrence and I taught to a packed house and all the session were so well received. Slowly but surely, one by one, we are gaining new “Beamers”.

Then it was off to IDEA World. . It was our 1st show where we were officially with SPRI Products. We could not have had a better location. When you walked into the expo hall the 1st booth you saw was SPRI. And the first person you saw was a Beamfit™ trainer in a Beamfit™ shirt holding a Beamfit™ Beam!!! We had such GREAT exposure THANKS TO SPRI!!!

In case you have not heard, June Kahn won instructor of the year and Debbie Pillarella won Business Person of the year. Linda, Fred, Lawrence, Nancy, Josie, Joy, Ken, Stacey. Kari, Laura, Norma and a host of other Beamfit™ trainers joined me and a packed auditorium in the celebration. It was very emotional (for me on a personal level) as June and I have been friends for 20 years - and not just friends……like brother and sister. The emotions ran further as Debbie took the stage to accept her award...... See, Back in 1990, Debbie invited me to her club in Indiana to give a Step workshop to her staff……it was THE VERY 1st time I had given any workshop in my life!!! Needless to say I go way back with these 2 well deserving ladies – CONGRATS TO YOU BOTH!!!

June and I taught 3 session at the show and all were filled with interested and intrigued faces. Among those faces were our trainers who were there…..THANK YOU for coming to the sessions and supporting our efforts!!!Lawrence came on stage in my last session and did the “rejuvenate and reframe” segment – showing his talent and providing the participants with a sneak peak of his program Sole-ful Soul-ful Synergy. Linda pitched in with an excellent wrap up statement that really hit home with the participants. Gin Miller ( The Creator of Step) and Tamilee Webb ( Buns of Steel) came and took the Foundational session on Sunday at 8am – and according to Gin “David…you have a winner here…..this IS the next big thing!” Tamilee added “"It's about time there is a program designed for all levels and one that will teach the fundamentals of body alignment. Strengthen your muscles, increase flexibility and relax your mind while you have fun trying to stay on the BEAM, and if you fall off it's only a few inches, no helmets and knee pads needed." In fact - Tamilee kept coming back to the booth over and over……bringing people and giving them mini-demo’s of what I did in class. And if that wasn’t enough Kathy Smith came by to congratulate us and say that she REALLY likes the Beam and thinks Beamfit™ will make an important contribution in the industry. Donna Cyrus from Crunch came with several of her regional managers to see what Beaming™ is all about – I gave them a demo and had them all on Beams…….We will be launching Beaming™ at Crunch in NYC this coming January!!!

It was the 20th anniversary of STEP and there was a special class. Gin Miller gave a brief speech and then called all of us (from the original team) to stand at her side and take a “bow” to a standing ovation. WOW 20 years ago…….I can’t believe that!!!

I went and took INDOROW with June by my side……Stacey was there in the row in front of us – you should have seen her go!!! The class was really GREAT!!! Josh Crosby (the creator) and Jay Blahnik taught and it was just a great presentation…………………..and THEN……there was Jakari over at Reebok (I probably spelled it wrong). It’s a new Reebok “program” which utilizes a swinging devise - a la Cirque. It was like a combination of TRK Suspension Training and swinging from rings in gymnastics. The instructor (Sarah) was as cute and YOUNG as she could be. There were June and I……swinging and swirling around……hanging on for dear life. Just like Beaming™ - it is something you need to experience – I just can’t describe it in words!!! – I hope that NOONE has photos or video of me doing this……BLACKMAIL for sure!!!!

Then there was the terrific cocktail party on Saturday night….dancing, socializing and great food!! ZUMBA had 2 amazing girls on stage rockin it out….and Stacey and I shook it up a bit and had a good laugh!!! OH and did I mention that Nancy and June had to give me a fashion show each night….”what shoes……what jewelry…… this dress ok or should I wear jeans and this top……and it went on and on – I will send a bill for my consultation services!!!

I left this convention feeling like I was high. It was a year ago that we showed up at IDEA with our booth and our Beams……with our hopes and our dreams. It was a year ago that we stood there saying to the world The FUTURE of Fitness is here………...and well……… It is!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy New Year!! It's September!

It’s funny how we celebrate (as a nation) the beginning of the New Year every January 1st. In the Jewish religion, the New Year comes in September and is called Rosh Hashanah (Rosh meaning head and Shonnah year) and more happens in this month than in January to create the “feel” of a new beginning.
As the leaves begin to change color and dance in the air as they fall to the ground and the flowers slowly fade away we celebrate THE BEGINNING in many ways as a result of THE END of many things. Labor Day ends the summer yet starts a new season. Vacations end and school starts, and people have the sense that with the sadness of all the ENDINGS there is joy in all the BEGINNINGS – a perfect balance …and it is that balance that makes the month of September so meaning full. There is a “feel” to September not shared by her other 11 siblings. On a personal note, September has meaning to me in that it was 15 years ago I met Perry, 8 years ago 911 happened, 2 years ago June and I were at my pool discussing my “idea” about a beam and just last year all of you were here in Palm Springs .
AS you walk through this month…….ask yourself this…….What NEW beginnings have you experienced in your life that could not have been discovered without the ending of something else. It could be as superficial as a car….or as deeply emotional as a transformation in relationship status with a loved one.
The next time you mourn a loss or miss a “thing”……look at the bigger picture that all that happens has meaning in our lives…..and that without the sequential occurrence of events in our lives…the story cannot continue to be written. In the end……it’s a balancing act!


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Report from the class room

So......I teach at "The Spa" here in Palm Springs California,. A wonderful benefit of teaching at "The Spa" is that.......I never know who may show up. Although there is a membership base - guest show up adding new dimensions to my regular class experience.

Yesterday at 7AM I taught Beaming with Strength - a class that combines the Beamfit Beam with weights and the Body Bar. A woman walked in ( Rose) and said "hi I am here visiting from New Haven ......what do I need for this class?" I assisted her , getting her a beam.....showing her where the weights are etc. I then introduced her to a member of the class....someone she could keep an eye on if she could not always see me.

I taught the class for the aloted time slot 7:00 - 8:30......glancing over at Rose quite often to see how she was doing......the look on her face - in an affort to keep a handle on how she was doing. I could not "read" her face. She was almost expressionless as she walked the beam - lifted the Body Bar and pushed the weights.

When it was all over she quietly walked over to me and said.......

"I have never seen this beam before....never taken a class like this before......I can't explain it. I have taken step, yoga, spinning......worked with weights ....taken stretch classes.......but I have never experienced anything like this. I can't explain how I feel. I feel like I worked out , I sweated and was challenged......but the feeling I have after your class....I have never felt is almost as if I have been transformed. I feel taller - I feel stronger - but........well......I feel as though my attitude is different......... I feel like I took yoga "PLUS"...........

I smiled at her and simply said........."Rose......your BEAMING"!!! Her face lit up and she said "you know what.....that is the best way to describe it!" I smiled at her again , put my hand on her shoulder and said "I know."

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lesson from a loss

As I sat and watched the memorial for Michael Jackson - I felt a hole in my heart and yet joy in my soul. I saw who was speaking....I heard what they were saying....and I felt their words touch me deeply. I never knew this man personally and yet I felt a loss, a true

I never realized how much I really am linked to Michael.
As he grew up - I grew up.
As he sang - I sang along with him.
As he wrote the words to his many songs ...I internalized many of those messages.
And as he danced - I stood by and watched as we all have done all these years...... in amazement.

Michael reminded us that we should all ask ourselves.... "Have you seen my childhood?" remembering to capture the joy and innocence of our early years.

Let's celebrate Michael's life in a small way by liberating our own inner child.

I think among the many lessons from today is for all of us to really :
"LOOK" at the MAN IN THE MIRROR.......
See how he can , in some way help to HEAL THE WORLD -...
and remember that, together, we can overcome almost anything if we just set our minds to BEAT IT.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

HERE "wEGO" to the gym!!!

Have you ever wondered what all of these Fitness activities are REALLY doing for us?? Is it really about strengthening our hearts and our bodies, maintaining weight and living in a flexible well balanced body full of endurance, power and agility? Or is there something else? .....something we don't dare admit to!

We Step, Spin and Dance...walk on Treadmills and climb Stair Climbing machines in the name of cardiovascular health - But - What if 1 calorie was not burned........would we still do it?

We lift weights and pull on rubber tubing in the name of muscular strength and endurance - but would we do it if our bodies did not tone and our muscles did not grow and show?

So I ask - If there was no OBVIOUS VISIBLE physical change to our bodies........would we even bother?

I have analyzed all of this “DEEPLY”, without emotion, but rather with logic. I have talked with people in the gym and bluntly asked them this very question… and have come to the conclusion that all of these Fitness activities are PRIMARILY providing us with a way of fueling, sustaining and stroking our EGO's
and have little to do with the health benefits associated with them.

YES .......there.....I said it.

Now, don't get me wrong, we are all thrilled to get the “health” benefits …. Keeping our hearts healthy, our minds clear and all of the other wonderful benefits exercising brings...............but at the end of the day it's all about what we look like to ourselves and how we look in comparison to others - YUP it’s the EGO!

And, when our efforts in the gym don’t quite satisfy the ego, we implant “things” , suck out “stuff” inject poison into our faces or in some other way see to it that the EGO is completely fueled, sustained and stroked!

· Breast implants - Chest implants - – Lipo-suction – Botox
· Teeth whitening, nail polish, make up, hair color
· Shaving – waxing – plucking
· Pedicures – manicures
· Even the clothes we buy and wear are linked to the EGO in some way - it’s about how we look to ourselves and how we compare ourselves with others……more importantly how we “feel” about ourselves based on all of this.

Of course we want to look and feel good. We want to “fit in”, be part of the “in crowd” – just remember this is all EGO based .I am not suggesting for one minute that we should just stop taking care of ourselves – but rather to be in check with the real psychological motivation behind it all.

See for yourself - Next time you are in the gym - watch people - closely watch them they are either peering at themselves in the mirror (some are even doing little muscle flexing poses) or they are checking out other people who are watching themselves. It’s one big EGO fest!!

And after all of this – they walk out with the EGO whispering ….. “You’re not perfect enough”

Some of you reading may feel this is cynical…….some may relate on some level…….some are laughing because they have pondered the same question and have observed some of the behaviors I have described here.

I know for myself I struggle to suppress the ego every day and walk through my day doing things from my heart and soul and not out of complete self fulfillment – or EGO feeding. . I know that I want to look good “for me”, as we all say, and keep in mind all of the beautiful aspects of myself as a person – things that have nothing to do with “a six pack” or a waist measurement. I try to be mindful of WHO I am… ALL of me which is much greater than anything I can see in a mirror hanging on a wall.

If I can walk through my day and “show” people who I am rather than allowing them to “assume” who I am, as related to their perception based on what they see when they look at me ,then I have come closer to quieting the EGO and letting myself shine through.

How about YOU?


Friday, June 5, 2009

MY Pride and Joy

On Mon Wed and Fri nights I teach a class that incorporates The Beamfit Beam and the Stability ball........but The Friday night class is of special mention. It is 1 1/2 hours instead of 1 hour and we actually "BEAM" for 45 min to an hour ( the standing workout) THIS is my favorite class and my Pride and Joy.
This group has been with me for Years.... YEArs... YEARS .....
This group has followed the Beaming process from the day I began to speak about it . They have been the 1st to know everything about Beaming , but more importantly, the 1st people on this planet to actually participate in and reap the benefits of Beaming. Did I mention - THIS is my favorite class and my Pride and Joy.
It is a mixed group - some Gay some straight - some male some female - some closer to 18 than I have been in more than 18 years - and some closer to .......well you get the idea. They are an amazing group - a diverse group...and did I mention my Pride and Joy.
I have nurtured them along on the beam step by step - slowly teaching them and guiding them through the workout experience. The shining beacons of joy that emanate from each of them fills the room with an aura of positive energy and a sense of "ONE-NESS" that I can't describe with the written word. They not only fill the room but they fill my heart with PRIDE AND JOY!!!
How blessed am I to have this group of people to teach. How blessed am I to receive all that they give to me. As an instructor we often focus on what WE GIVE to them - never stopping to recognize what we get in return.
So I say thank you to the students in my Friday night class.........thank you for all of your support, encouragement, love and sincerity. You truly are MY Pride and Joy!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


As a person who spent the majority of my career "STEPPING" across this nation I found myself in a situation I never thought I would - 18 months ago my ankle was SO bad, that in the in the middle of a Step Class - I had to just stop!!!
So for the last 18 months I have not "STEPPED" once. It was strange at 1st because at 1 point in time I was "STEPPING" 10 plus times a week. I was a Step Reebok Master trainer. I was "MR. STEP".
The key word there - "WAS" ......
Last night, I taught Step again for the 1st time in 18 months. I wrote out a routine - taught it and made it through just fine. My ankle held up and I will now be teaching Step every Wed eve at 6.
In many ways it was as it had always been - I found myself cuing and moving across the step as if I had been teaching it all along. But there was a difference last night.................I was not just teaching step to my class - I was teaching step to myself!!! My mind was operating a bit differently as I was not in the same frame of mind as I used to be. I was not as sure - I was not as intense - and it was nice.
I was able to teach and take the class simultaneously and it felt good. I was able to teach class and shed "WHAT WAS" and embrace "WHAT IS NOW"....and what is now is a DAVID who will be teaching Step with a new found appreciation and a new outlook. It's only once a week - NO PRESSSURE to come up with new material all the time. It's once a week - so I can look forward to working out WITH my class as opposed to just teaching them.
Perhaps the lesson here is that , at times, we need to STEP away from what is familiar and then return - embrassing it with a new outlook, a new appreciation and a new found love for an old friend.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Let's take a moment today and remember our friends

Many people will walk in and out of your life. But only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.
STOP .....for just a minute as you read this and "feel" some of the footprints on your, the obvious ones from those who are close to you every day........but some of those who you may not see often.
In many cases....those are the deepest ones.

Monday, May 4, 2009


May I?
Yes you May!

The word “May” is an interesting one in that it is the name of THIS month as well as a word which is used in everyday speech related to balance of action ……it eludes to both the asking…………… or taking of something …………….and the granting or giving of it.

Asking…… “May I have a cookie?” Granting ……. “Yes, you May!”

The word has power in that it Gives….and Takes.
As people, WE give and take.

Balance this out and you win every time.
“You have to spend money to make money”
“ It’s a give and take”
We hear these phrases all the time, phrases that suggested balance in the give and take of power or in creating fairness or some sense of equality. Take too much….you become over stuffed, heavy, and burdened. Give too much you become weak, exhausted, drained. We see in the news every day what TAKING too much leads to – greed and the role it played this financial crisis. We also see the starvation and suffering that results from not GIVING enough.

Join me this month “journaling” this month of “MAY”. Let’s explore our own ability to give and take…… ask for and grant. Are you the mom who always GIVES and takes little for herself? Are you the selfish child who always takes and does not share? Or are you balanced? As you journal and the pattern reveals itself….. Ask yourself …what can I do to make a shift in my own life to better balance the give and take. You “MAY” find a new way to conduct your life.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Celebrating the Beauty of Our Planet

Today is Earth day......

take a moment today.......


ook all around you......

see the beauty of the planet ....the blue sky.......or the rain.....the trees or perhaps a lone bird sitting in a budding tree.

Beamfit is a company focused on Balance......not just physical balance but Balance in the broader sense of the word.

Our Planet Earth exists and continues on because of the delicate balance that exists between the species, the climate the rising of the sun and the appearance and "pull" of the moon.So today let's celebrate the Planet Earth...her mighty majesty who's future depends on our actions and our deeds - our ability to help her remain in perfect Balance


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter to all!!!

If you have a chance.....................

1) Check out the Beamfit web site ( it had a spring face lift

2) Check out
you will See Beamfit there on the Martha Stewart Web site

3) Watch The Martha Stewart show Tomorrow Monday April 13th - she will be BEAMING....on the Beamfit beam..................and all of her studio audience members will receive a beam and a Foundational Bdeaming DVD

Monday, March 16, 2009

Plant good things .......and watch them grow

I find
in my mind
is what
I put there.
So, I
Put good
in there.

Saturday, March 14, 2009 yourself

Although it may crown me Queen for a Day,
The world
cannot confer
the recognition that will make me feel fulfilled.
Only I can.

I will congratulate myself
the completion
of each personal accomplishment

Friday, March 13, 2009

"Wear your shoes with PRIDE"

To stand your ground
To stand on holy ground.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

"It's a good thing....."

Today is a very special day in the world of Beamfit!

The weekend of Feb 26 - Mar 01, June Kahn and I were at the ECA convention in NYC. We were fortunate to have Martha Stewart's Personal Trainer as well as the Producer of The Martha show come and see June and I at the booth. We spent about an hour with them showing them the beam, the DVD's and providing them with a comprehensive demo ON the beam. In addition, they chose to participate in June's Beam-lates session. They were both VERY VERY impressed with all they experienced. I gave them 2 beams and both DVD's and off they went.

Wednesday March 4th I received an email from Martha's Trainer stating that she had been working with Martha on the beam every day..................and that Martha "really likes it". In fact, Martha likes it so much that she will be featuring it on The Martha Stewart Show!

So, TODAY Thursday March 12 , Martha and her trainer will be "BEAMING" on her show. The show will air April 13th. Beamfit is proud to have a place on the Martha show and is giving a FREE Beam to every audience member today.

I thought I was BEAMING before....................."THIS" is a wonderful beginning opportunity for Beamfit to get out to the consumer.


The Evolution of YOUR life

Winter leads to spring.
Spring becomes the summer.
Summer surrenders to autumn....
and autumn brings forth the winter.

Change is but an evolution which
Helps to recreate what was,
Shape what will be
And define what is right now.
It is the way we create our own reality.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


.....Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.......

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Be Conscious of your actions

A Life lived by choice
is a life of conscious action.
A life lived by chance
is a life of unconscious reaction.

Monday, March 9, 2009

The whole point of life
is not to GET somewhere
but to pay close attention to where you are right now,
this moment…
and cherish that…
and experience it to its fullest

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Today ........
Already IS a great day.........
You don’t have to try to “make” it one.............
Just go HAVE ONE!!!